English Proficiency Test Assessments

Last Updated: अगस्त 17, 2024

यह आर्टिकल English Proficiency Test Assessments के बारे में है, नीचे आपके लिए 25 प्रश्न तैयार किये गए है। सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने के पश्चात् submit बटन पर क्लिक करें, इससे आप पता कर पाएंगे की English में आपका level क्या है।

रिजल्ट में तीन श्रेणियाँ है 一 Beginner, Intermediate और Pro. जल्दी से assessment को पूरा करें और तुरंत अपने परिणाम को देखें।

english proficiency test assessments

English Proficiency Test

1. How do you spell this word?

  • Writting
  • Writing
  • Writeing

2. What is the correct past tense of "run"?

  • Runned
  • Ran
  • Run

3. Choose the correct sentence.

  • She are a teacher.
  • She is a teacher.
  • She am a teacher.

4. What is the plural of "child"?

  • Children
  • Childs
  • Child

5. Complete the sentence: "She __________ to the store yesterday."

  • went
  • go
  • goes

6. Which word is a synonym for "happy"?

  • Angry
  • Joyful
  • Sad

7. What is the opposite of "cheap"?

  • Expensive
  • Affordable
  • Cheap

8. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

  • He don't like pizza.
  • He doesn't likes pizza.
  • He doesn't like pizza.

9. What is the correct form of the verb in this sentence: "She __________ at the moment."?

  • works
  • worked
  • is working

10. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "The cat is sleeping __________ the chair."

  • in
  • under
  • on

11. Which is the correct spelling?

  • Necessary
  • Neccessary
  • Neccesary

12. Choose the correct sentence.

  • I have been waiting for an hour.
  • I have been wait for an hour.
  • I has been waiting for an hour.

13. What is the correct plural of "mouse"?

  • Mouses
  • Mice
  • Mouse

14. Which of these is a complete sentence?

  • Went to the store.
  • Going to the store.
  • I went to the store.

15. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "They __________ to the party yesterday."

  • goes
  • go
  • went

16. What is the correct word to complete the sentence: "I __________ breakfast this morning."?

  • had
  • have
  • having

17. Which sentence is in the future tense?

  • She will travel tomorrow.
  • She travels tomorrow.
  • She traveled yesterday.

18. Choose the correct form of the verb: "She __________ in the garden now."

  • works
  • is working
  • work

19. Which word correctly completes this sentence: "He is __________ than his brother."

  • tall
  • more tall
  • taller

20. What is the correct form of the verb: "She __________ her homework before dinner."?

  • finish
  • finishing
  • finished

21. Which sentence is correct?

  • They are going to the park.
  • They is going to the park.
  • They going to the park.

22. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "She is __________ than her sister."

  • older
  • old
  • most old

23. What is the opposite of "slow"?

  • Stop
  • Low
  • Fast

24. Choose the correct sentence.

  • I am going to school.
  • I going to school.
  • I am go to school.

25. Complete the sentence: "They __________ the movie last night."

  • watched
  • watching
  • watches

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